Flatio - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Iain B. Guest
Seems easy enough to use
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09.02.2025 London
Heejin S. Guest
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20.01.2025 Budimpešta
Eva R. Host
Ocenila bych, kdyby platby probíhaly rychleji.
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08.02.2025 Prag
Zdeněk P. Guest
Bez problémů
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07.02.2025 Prag
Dominik W. Guest
Good, user friendly website. Pretty straight-forward in general. Included insurance is a good touch, and has been a deciding factor for me.
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08.02.2025 Sofija
Jaroslav B. Guest
Jste asi jediní kdo poskytuje krátko a střednědobé pronájmy. Jsme rádi, že jsme se měli při rekonstrukci našeho vlastního bytu kam uchýlit.
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08.02.2025 Brno
Shawn H. Guest
the format
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08.02.2025 Olhos de Água
Martina P. Guest
Long-term apartments, great navigation, lease, a good choice
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08.02.2025 Brno
Zdeněk P. Guest
Flexibilita, dlouhodobé pronájmy za přijatelnou cenu, vyřízení podnájmu online.
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08.02.2025 Budimpešta
Zoltán C. Guest
This was my first try, and everything went smoothly. I was also twice in contact with their costumer service (small unimportant things), and they answered quickly and competently.
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04.02.2025 Đenovići
Zoltán C. Guest
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11.12.2024 Đenovići
Marie U. Guest
I enjoyed using the website and they aren’t any deposit to pay which is amazing when you only plan to stay one month in a city.
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07.02.2025 Porto
Milena D. Guest
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07.02.2025 Santo Estivao
Lucka S. Host
Servisní poplatek účtovaný nájemníkovi na začátku pronájmu snižuje počet zájemců o rezervaci pronájmu.
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06.02.2025 Prag
Emese G. Host
The communication about the currency transfers is not transparent.
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06.02.2025 Budimpešta
Lorenzo R. Guest
The thing I appreciated the most was the customer support, very fast and efficient. Since you can run into many scams using other sites, this site is very reliable
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06.02.2025 Prag
Renate K. Guest
Der Vorgang ist gut verständlich und übersichtlich.
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06.02.2025 Prag
Viktória F. Guest
jednoduchosť, prehľadnosť
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06.02.2025 Prag
Tomáš Z. Guest
moznost rychle a levne najit ubytovani
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06.02.2025 Prag
Emanuel S. Guest
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06.02.2025 Ponta Delgada
Jacques L. Guest
Large selection of condos in Algarve.Great prices also.
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06.02.2025 Albufeira
Emmanuel A. Guest
I like everything
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06.02.2025 Lisabon
Karlo R. Guest
I was very happy with everything, I was able to get in contact with the services quickly. They were accommodating. The size of rhe apartment was really spacious.
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05.02.2025 Загреб
Martina Š. Guest
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05.02.2025 Prag